Saturday, 5 March 2011

Bite Sized Reads

Well, I cannot believe it is March already! 2011 is pressing on lickity split. There has been the usual mix of asshattery and tomfoolery, some of which will make it here in anecdotal form at some point I'm sure.

But very excitingly, I had the chance to take part in another fantastic Are You Sitting Comfortably? night with the wonderful Bernadette & Gareth of White Rabbit (the theme being SEX - saucy!) It was quite a night and packed to the rafters.

I have also had a selection of shorts published by the exciting Ether Books. Do check them out. There are lots of fab authors and wonderful bite sized reads - many of them free (the reads, not the authors...although I'm pretty cheap!) You can't say fairer than that.

I'm working on a few things, one of which is an epic article which may appeal to many of you Supernatural fans. I will post it here, so stay tuned...

A bientot! x

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